Parent Participation
As we’ve studied and tried to learn how to best make an impact as a nonprofit, it’s become apparent to us how important it is that we don’t simply give out free hand outs. Studies show that handouts actually worsens things for poorer communities and keeps them dependent on others keeping them afloat. It can add to the scarcity complex- feeling like there isn’t enough to go around so you have to lie and steal to get ahead because you don’t know when the things you want wont be available again. It is vital to somehow inspire the community to participate in their own success in order to truly make a difference and help people better their lives. To sum it all up, the best way to escape poverty is for the community to raise its own self up. Our goal at AWB is to find the best ways to aid and support them in doing so!
The more nonprofit trips we do, the more we’re learning how to incorporate local help into our projects. On our February 2023 trip, we installed toilets and showers into several homes, but asked that the recipients help dig and collect tools for the installation, which they did happily and quickly. We’ve also had several painting projects in the past where we’ve invited parents to come help us, but usually only one parent shows up, if any. It has been hard to not feel disheartened when this has happened. It led us to digging down deep as we tried to figure out what we could do to encourage and foster an attitude of community betterment. It took a lot of trial and error, but now I think we finally have the answer: strengthen your relationships with the people you are trying to serve.
The closer we get to the community, the more they seem to want to be involved. If we just march in and start doing and changing things in their neighborhood, it could ruffle feathers or make the community think we don’t think they’re capable of participating. But as we’ve gotten to know them more, visited with them and played with them, they are so much more receptive to our efforts and things are starting to change! ❤️ This trip really demonstrated to us that we are earning their trust and when you have trust between two people, you can learn from one another and grow together and magical things can happen!
On our last project day of this trip, we were so excited to find MANY parents there to help us, bright and early at 8am! They were eager and excited to be there with us working and helping their children’s school get a makeover. It was so fun to have them there and it made the work so much faster! It made our AWB hearts so happy! We aren’t perfect at this whole nonprofit thing, but wow we are learning so much. Thank you THANK YOU awesome parents! We are so grateful to call you our friends!